Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent His only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another (1John 4: 7-11)
From generation to generation, the song "God is Love" has been on everyone's lips. It is even sung by non-Christians when they want to dismiss criticisms or beg for assistance. Without a question, it is one of the most important principles in Christian teaching.
The Christian religion's concept of love is just too complex for anybody to fully understand. God created the universe, gave us salvation, and sealed our eternal fate out of love. God's love is described as unshakable, reckless, unrivalled, and boundless in Ephesians 3:18-19.
1John 4:16 says that God is the epitome of love. A life dedicated to God is a life dedicated to love. Because God is infinite and eternally faithful by nature, the sort of love that flows from Him is consistent and pure. It is not contingent on man's capacity to earn or keep it.
God is the sole source of love 1Jn 4:16. Aside from the Biblical concept of God, every definition of love involves some degree of greed. The finest love a man can give is still in exchange for something else, which directly contradicts 1Cor 13 4-7's teaching on love.
Trues comes only from God. This is what distinguishes Christianity from the rest of the world's religions. Other faiths' gods require some measure of commitment to develop and maintain a relationship with them. But only the Christian God, on the other hand gave up everything first and pledges unending love (1 John 4:9).
God chose to love us. He has always prioritised you and me. Apart from His freewill and unconditional generous, unmatched unlimited love, there was nothing desirable in us that could have earned us his attention. We must realise that if we did nothing to initiate God’s love to begin with, we will be unable to keep it, without His help Jeremiah 31:3, Titus 3:4-5, Romans 5:8.
I'm particularly grateful for this because it helps me to see how badly my million faults may have stifle any attempt to genuinely connect with Him, in comparison to His perfect purity. Also, I'm grateful that even when He purges and develops me via my defects, He does so within the bounds of His love.
The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide, nor will He keep His anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love towards those who fear Him. (Psalm 103: 8-11).
God's love is relational. Between God and the one who receives His love, there is a divinely empowered intimacy. This relationship is described in the Bible as adoption, sonship, family, and so forth. We became His offspring through His death on the cross, and now we share in His divine nature. Where we have battled to obey Him previously, we can now find comfort and strength to please Him continually. We are now not only free to exercise dominion over all He created, but also free from dead works, anger, and demonic persecution, according to 1 John 1:12.
Love grows as a result of knowledge. 1 Corinthians 1:9. Love can flourish just by spending time with the object of interest with an intention to understand it. As knowledge grows, tolerance, patients, appreciations, responsibility, and consistency grow as well. This is true for marriage and all other good partnerships. The more we learn about the Lord through studying the Bible and praying, the greater our love for Him and our desire to honour Him develops.
God has called us to live a life of love. Once a tree begins to yield fruits, it won't take much work to figure out what type of tree it is. Our salvation bears fruits in the form of loving and serving others. Our ability to love others is a reflection of our love for God.
According to the Bible, anybody who claims to have all of the Spirit's gifts but does not live a life that represents God's love is making a lousy claim of faith, I.e I lousy gong 1 Corinthians 13:1-3. This is because no one can experience God's love without being transformed and empowered by it (Romans 5:5).
As important as Spiritual gifts are to the edification of the body of Christ is, yet, they are not a sign of our discipleship. Our affection for one another is what proves it John 13: 34-35. The lifestyle of love practise by a believer is what God uses to showcase Himself. This is how the Church maintains its relevance.
We can't claim to live in Christ and still walk in hatred for other people, according to 1John 4:20. 5:44 . It’s inconsistent with the life that has be touched by God’s love.
A healthy society is built on the transforming power of God's love. It is the lifeblood of happy marriages, the tie that binds excellent relationships, and the assurance of eternal life.
Before taking action, love seeks to comprehend. Even if there is a cost involved. Love does not withhold what can benefit others. How else can we examine ourselves to know whether we are genuinely growing in grace without the scrutinising eyes of love? Love should be felt and comprehended. God is love.
Korede Fagbolade.